
Thursday, July 27, 2023

My Journal -- April 2028

April 1, 2008


At five-thirty, I got up to pee. I came back to bed, but I never fell asleep again due to Eking and Boboy’s laughing trips. I rose at seven-thirty.


Past eight, I was commanded to do marketing. Then, I cooked our lunch after a few hours of salting the fish.


Past 12, I started the pagbibilad ng palay. It rains in the morning, so we only have half a day to sundry a few sacks of palay grains.


Before 3, I was directed by Papay Benson to buy bread. Jasleen wanted to come and ride on the bike with me. I said no. But she persisted to the point that she ran after me. I, however, rushed the bike on. And suddenly, the bicycle slipped away. I fell to the ground. Quickly, I got up and started to pedal as if no one noticed me and my slip-away. It’s so hurt. My right lower arm was scratched. I had gained three wounds.


I confronted Jasleen. I hit her skull (Pinitik ko lang.), after I told her mistake. Her stubbornness might kill herself and someone. I showed her off my wounds. I could see her fright and shame at what happened.


At four, Kuya Muibien and I re-sacked the palay. We’re done at quarter to five. I was so tired; thus, I lay down for a few hours. Then, I took in hot coffee to invigorate my body.


At seven, I was so sad. I was asking why Mj didn’t text me the whole day. I was anticipating some news about our wedding.


At nine-thirty, while we were watching PBB Celebrity Edition Plus, that shows the graduation of three housemates, Papay Benson offered me financial aid if I want to study teaching course. Deep inside I was very glad for that privilege, but I didn’t commit yet.


Later, I texted Flor. I said, “Pksabi ky Mama n inalok aq n Papay Benson n 2lungan nia aq financial nids pag magaral dw uli aq ng pgkateacher… Hndi p aq umoo… Un din kc sbi skn ni Ate Quennie. Pnpurcge nia aq.” I also texted Divina. I wanted to ask where institution I could take Methods in Teaching, so as Jefferson, I wanted to seek advice. However, no one replied.


I thanked God for that such wonderful opportunity that knocked my door. I also asked for a sign, in order for me to decide.




April 2, 2008


After waking up, these were my activities: (1) boiling of guava tops for Eking’s penis; (2) sweeping the dust in the buladan; (3) re-sacking the palay to avoid from being wet by rain.


At nine-thirty, Boboy and I went to Bulan market through the bike. There, we eat haluhalo. He paid for my order because he’s the one who insisted I go there. After that, I bought flip-flops. I can remember the last time I bought my brown Havana slippers. It was when I was about to start working in Eastland. It was a long time ago. I couldn’t always afford to purchase, especially whenever I am in Antipolo.


When we were home, we tended the palay. Kuya Muibien was there to help us/ Thus, Kuya Bambi and I was so exhausted. My chest was aching.


At ten-thirty, Auntie Vangie texted me, sending a quote: The worst regret we can have in life is not for the wrong things we did, but for the right things we could have done but we never did.” She also said, “`Musta u dyan Bulan?”


I replied to it immediately. I knew she wanted to talk to me about weddings. I said I was okay. Her reply was asking if I already have a job and when I will go back to Antipolo. I told her that I was still jobless. I was planning to go back to Antipolo on the 2nd week of April. And I was helping Papay Benson in sun-drying palay, so that I could earn for ‘panlakad ng papeles.’ Her last reply was exactly like this: “Ah o cge txt n lng u kng kelan u uuwi kung ano mging plano u pero sna msbi u rin kay K. Benson. Syang kc mga pagka2taon hbang bata p u hndi p huli and lahat.”


I was so glad and thankful that she’s so eager to help us, thus I say these words: “Ok po. Cia n lng ata po ang hnd nkkaalam tngkol s ksal namin. Iba po angf inaalok nia skin kgbi. Mag’aral dw po uli aq. 2lungan nia raw aq. Pero teacher. Hnd pa po aq nagcommit.”


She did not reply. But it’s okay. I knew she was just busy. At least, she gave me time and importance. She was keeping her promise.


At twelve-thirty, Jefferson texted me. Since I told him last night that I would ask him for some advice, I immediately opened my confusion. He did not directly disagree with the fact that I will study again. He foremostly asked how would be my family.


I said that even if I will not study or go back to school, I could never be a big help for them because I’m jobless. I also told him that I was in chaos and that I didn’t even know what to prioritize. We’re planning to be married (Mj and I), too. If only Mj will be lucky enough to have a work abroad, I also added.


He suggested this way: “Kun ako s imo unahon mo an pkasal sunod pagabroad niya. Tpos ikw n magalaga san bata mo kamo ni Mama mo. Tpos mktrabaho kn dun kay kasal n kmo. Ipaayos mo balay. Dun na kamo mgstar.” I liked it. I agreed with him. Then I thanked him.


However, he told me that my final decision would be fine. Next thing happened; he opened up. He related himself to my situation. He said, “ Ako pan’o wara n ako gana magskwla. Pag iniisip ko an pmilya an isip ko kn pan’o mkadanun sa pagbuhay.”


Then I disagreed with him blatantly. I said, “Mkadanun? An prblma ngani dri man kta nkdanun kay maluya pa an inadalan nato. Kumbga hindi para stin. Opportnty knocks, but once. Kaya sunggban n n2 an mga offers. Mayad k ky soltero. Free k hmuon an gs2 mo. Aq dri na. S mga kids an iniisp q. Para man in isa knira.”


Finally, another revelation was unmasked from his heart. I have learned that he was being offered by his uncle to be helped in finances if he goes to school. But he did not take it because he’s not selfish. He’s thinking of his family. Helping them is his priority. According to him, it was not at the right time and situation.


Aram mo, ders no such thing as wrong time. Nsa ato n kun hhmuon ta an sala. Saka d p huli an lhat. Bta k p. Aq my bata n. He he. Mas aram sn iba n tawo an myad para sa ftre ta. Wra due date an future kya mski mgeskwla ghpon kta, dri kta mauuurhe. Think abt it.” That’s my last words before he said goodbye.


Past 1:30 pm, we re-sacked the palay we sundried at 10 am. I was so tired and sad. I never had a long time of rest when Papay Benson directed us again to do laborious and tough re-sacking tasks. He’s so hot-tempered, like I was. I just controlled my emotions.


At four, I went upstairs to take a nap. Bad thing, Boboy and Eking distracted me. I couldn’t sleep at their noises, laughter, teases, and irritating acts. Till Eking annoyed us. He threw soft drinks crowns over us. We retaliated and stopped. But when he did it again, we got revenge more than he did to the point that he overreacted. He was crying very furiously when he went upstairs and hit us with slippers, then with a monobloc chair. I was so upset about his act. I never imagine why he’s the one who cried and acted that way.


Boboy and I stayed upstairs. We pursue our conversation. He went down after half an hour. I went down fifteen minutes after he went down.


I was determined to stay away from him. Thus, I went to Bulan. Minutes later the two were there, too. Thus, I went home.


At six-thirty, Auntie Vangie replied in my last text. She said, “Pinagicipan q cnbi u knina kng dpat p b u mgaral uli, masa2bi ko lng ok din. May pension kc yan pag nagretired. May benefits pa, kya lang pano can Mj?”


I replied, “Hndi q p rn po pngdcisyunan. Bsta po knconsider q ang mga advice ng mga batchmates q n teacher na, at n Ate Quennie. Pwdng-pwd rw po aq… Pg palarin po n mkpagabroad c mj, bka po ma2loy… So far, iniicp q po muna ang ksal kc un ang dpat… Bka nga po pgkatpos ng ksal, mbless pa kmi lalo.”


She did not reply immediately.


Boboy and I biked through Centro. We first ate goto near RGCC, my Alma Mater. Then, we went to Pier 2 and Pier 1. I did not know what time we were home. All I knew was that it was past 8 when Auntie Vangie’s reply was sent to me. We’re dining at that time.


Auntie’s reply was “Oo nga mging kmi ni Kuya Benson, definitely yes. Bgay tlg saung personality ang mging teacher. Corrst u dpat nga mksal muna kau… Hope God provides ur sincere wishes… Gud nyt.”


I quickly answered, “Ngaun p lang po ngppasalamat na aq a nu. Gudnyt po.”


I slept at 10 pm. Yet in the middle of my tight, sound sleep, I was awakened by Kuya Bambi. It was 12 mn. The rain was great then we re-sacked the palay so that it could be saved from getting wet or wiped away by rain. However due to absence of electricity, we stopped doing it after two sacks. Besides the rain got slowly.


Before I sleep back, I prayed to God. I thanked Him for the opportunities. I also asked for physical strength.





April 3, 2008


I got up at 7:30. Minutes later, I was grilling the lawlaw fish for breakfast.


After breakfast, I helped Papay Benson in his endeavor.


Past nine, Boboy and I looked for Rommel Gonzalez to ask his signature. Ate Ningning commanded us to do so. It’s a permit to avail electric installations since she’s just renting the lot.



Rommel commended the letter I wrote. It made me proud.


Then we biked through Centro. We went to Lagamayo Telecom and asked the price of N330 battery. It was out of stock. So, we went back home with nothing.


Then, I rinsed my clothes which I soaked beforehand.


Before lunch, I was so irritated by what Papay Benson was doing. He’s occupying me, too. Make-shifting or roofing was what he was doing just to cover his palay.


After I washed the dishes, I went upstairs to sleep since we were not going to sundry palay due to rainy weather. However, Boboy, Eking, and Jasleen went upstairs, too. Without any words uttered, I went downstairs. I instead asked Aileen if I could sleep over in their vacant room. She of course permitted me.


I have fallen asleep for more or less two hours. Without being noticed by the kids. Then, I took over Aileen’s cooking of macaroni soup.


Past 4, I was commanded to buy half kilo of pork in the market.



At five, while I was cooking, Mj texted me. She said, “Elow!Msta? Ok lng b sau kung uwi kmi jan? Sma kmi kna Nnay kc bibili ssakyan Tyo Roming.” I have no load; thus, I couldn’t reply.


At five-thirty, when I bought load. I texted her immediately, asking, “Mj, kelan dw iuuwi ang sskyan?” She did not reply.


At eight-thirty, Mj’s reply arrived. She asked me again. I said I was planning to leave on April 9 because Auntie Vangie was prompting me already. I told her that my relatives here wanted to see my cute kids. I would be proud to introduce them to my children.


Since I have explained clearly to Mj that the money, I might receive from Papay Benson when I leave is intended for our ‘panlakad ng papeles,’ she confirmed that she’d rather stay there than to go with her parents in going to Bulan.


We exchanged ‘Missed you’ as we ended our conversation.




April 4, 2008


Minutes after waking up at past 7, breakfast was ready. On the table, I was vis-a-vis Papay Benson. He talked to me about his offer to me. He asked how many years I could spend studying Education method course. I said, it depends on the school. It may be 1 or 2. In RGCC, I added, it will only take a year. He said, “Kahit dalawa pa, mabilis lang naman ang panahon.”


Then, a hard task was directed at me. It was the de-sacking of palay. I think I have de-sacked more than 20 sacks. Boboy helped me. Yet, it made my chest ache.


I took a rest for a while. Then I went to Bulasu hoping I could talk to Ate Quennie about Papay Benson’s offer. She’s not there. Thus, I went home.


I regretted that I went back home early because I got irked by Papay Benson’s indifference. I couldn’t dig him and his likes. Because of that, I was double minding to accept his offer, though I was starting to consider it.


After lunch, I took a catnap. I have fallen asleep. However, it was distracted by the text messages from Cute and Efear. I replied to them.


Cute and I talked about work which later fell to wedding plan.


Happy has asked some questions about job interviews. She also queried about how to write an autobiography. We talked about how hard job searching in Manila is.


Efear and I conversed comically and seriously. The serious part talks about my problem of how to ‘magpaalam kay Papay Benson.” He advised me. He has also given me words on my chest ache. He showed concern that my TB might come back.


At quarter to four, Mj texted me. Here’s our conversation:

Mj: Ei! Msta? Ano gwa u?

Me: Nkhga. Maulan d2. Khapon p. Msta jn?

Mj: K nmn. 2log hnna. C Zj ngllaro. Sobrang kulit n ng kids lalo n Zj. Alaska n nga rn Zl e. wla e, wla pra.

Me: Wawa naman. Hnd kau bngyan n Mama? Msta ang party dun?

Mj: Wla rin pera mama u. pmsahe lng bnigay. D nmn pmunta Auntie u. K lang, mrami din foods. Ayw p nga kmi sna pauwiin Mama u, hntay k dw nmin. E, wla n milk.

Me: Ah… tpos ssma p kau paguwi d2 e d ms lalo wala. My job na rw c Flor bkas ah. Utangan u agad. Hehe

Mj: (She explained clearly that Flor has no job tomorrow but she’s going to study computer.)

Me: Kala q naman work! Nga pala, inaalok ni Papay Benson na mag-aral ng Education. Sagot dw nia. Hnd q alam ang issagot. Wat do u thnk?

Mj: Kaw, ilang yrs p un? Mganda sna, kya lang pno ang kds? Ung help n un pra sau lng, s studies u lng d b?

Me: Oo skn lng ang help. Sakripisyo nga raw. Snbi q n kay Auntie Vngie. Agree nman cia. Bgay nga raw skn at minamdali n nga aq s ksal. Malay u, alukin k uli ng work. Kaw lang, e, ayaw u magwork. I heard mgkkaroon n cla ng printing.

Mj: Dcsion u yan. Lam q mtgal u n rn gs2 un. Mg-aral k. Sb inga ni Jano trbho dw ang kelangan u dhl lumlaki n ang mga bata. Graduate k n dw. Bkt kelangn u mg-aral. Pro bhla k n. Kau n lang ng Mam u ang mg-usap. Kung ano dcsion nu, yun n rin cguro aq.

Me: Hindi c jano ang pkkinggan q. unang-una, wla nman cia maiabot n pera, pang-apply q. Mgbgay man, hnggan pmshe lang. Ms pkkinggan q ang sarili q at ang tlagang mkk2long skn. Sna ikaw rn. Hnd lang nman pra skn to… Pwd nman u mk2long… Gsto ko r2 kc my pgkain…

Mj: (She said that she just worried about our kids’ welfare.)

Me: Kya nga mg-icp k rn ng mai22long u… Hnd q n kya mkhanap ng temporary na job jan. Una, mhina ang ktwan q. Pngalawa, my edad na aq. Cno p b ang mghihire skn? Smantalang kung aalukin k n Auntie ng job, pwd u nman tnggapin. Mhrap kung pti aq wlang knkbalahan. Mgiging mbba ang uri ng pagkatao q. Kya nga hnhayaan q n mgdcisyn cla pra skn. Smusunod aq para ms lalo cla gnahang 2mulong.


She also asked about the years I could spend in taking up Education units. I replied, but she quit answering back.


Minutes later after our conversation, Frenel’s text messages all the way from Dubai arrived. She said “Gud pm. Aus lng me d2. Bgo plang me d2 s wrk k. Pwd mgaply aswa u dun s agncy k s Mla. CDK Intl Mnpwr Agency k s Ermita. Try nya f hiring p. 1o thou lng ngsts me d2.”


Then I started confiding with her about Mj-and-I nuptial, the crisis we are going through, and the needs I must provide. I also reminded her about what I’ve texted to her last days. It was about the lot I was selling to her. But that time, I told her the truth. I said it’s our lot and we need money for my wife’s plan of working abroad and for our kids’ milk and for our house’s roofs.


She replied, saying “Cnsiya na, Froi, wla me blak bumli ng lot, eh. Lm u nmn my haws n kme dyn. Tska mrme rin sinangla na hws s erpat ko. Pnprentahan nya. Mka2raos dn kau nyn. Me nga sbrang tpid d2.”




I said, “Sorry.” I remember that she told me that they were already separated. It’s funny that her reply came when I sent my message to her. She told me that they’re okay. They’re working hard for their wedding here in the Philippines. I’ve learned that they’re going to have a child after they establish their lives. I then spoke my gladness and admiration for her well-managed life and good principle. I also thanked her for taking time conversing with me. I then hoped for her frequent texting with me and with Amy.


I stayed upstairs-- lying down till past seven. They’re thinking that I was sick.


After dinner, Ate Ningning stopped me from doing kitchen work. I was so lucky tonight. I have fooled them.


I watched tv till ten.




April 5, 2008


While drinking hot milk at past 6, I was sweeping at the buladan. The sun showed off. Thus, we’re going to sundry palay today.


All were set; however, the rain fell at eight. Good thing, we haven’t de-sacked the palay. Bad thing, we’re pushed to do lifting twice just to protect the sacks of palay from the rain.


I was so tired thinking of my tough job here. I couldn’t bear it anymore. Thus, I was planning to go back to Antipolo. However, I didn’t know how to tell Papay Benson. He will surely not permit me.


Before lunch, I decided to wait for Kuya Jape’s arrival. I could hitch-hike to his truck when he comes back to Manila.


The rain stopped after a few minutes. Thus at 12 noon, we restarted sun-drying palay. I was determined to help Papay Benson so that he would permit me to go back to Antipolo City when the truck arrives. Besides, I need money.


Though my chest was aching, I did my best still. My sinew wasn’t that good, but I tried to do my responsibility.


At five, we’re done re-sacking the sundried palay. Lifting was the hardest part indeed!


At seven, after dinner, Ate Quennie texted me, “Ano ulam nu?” I had no load; thus, I went to their house. Chatty and I went to Bulasu with few daing.


There, I opened up to Ate Quennie about Papay Benson’s offer. She said, “Sige na habang nakaisip.” She agreed to his father. According to her, I must take his offer. Later, I asked her how to walk for the wedding papers.


I went back home at 7:30 pm. Now I have shared my confusion with a person who has the capacity to help me pray. I just hope, she’s glad to hear about his father’s proposal to me.




April 6, 2008


I woke up at 5:30 yet I got up at 7 am. Minutes later, we started doing some palay work.


The rain poured at 8. Thus, I wrote the last chapter of ‘Pahilis.’ I haven’t finished it because we must start sun-drying palay. 


At nine, Mj greeted me ‘Happy Monthsary!” I couldn’t reply due to loadlessness.


Kuya Muibien arrived at past nine. His arrival would lessen my load/task.


I bought load at 10 and texted Mj, ‘Elow!’ but she didn’t reply. I didn’t greet her because she might not be able to read my message.





April 7, 2008


While drinking hot milk, I was sweeping at the buladan. Afterwards, I started tough, sweat-provoking work. KUya Muibien arrived right after I had filled the buladan with palay.


At past seven-thirty, Mj and I were exchanging text messages. She asked me if I could go home on April 9. I said I would rather hitch to Kuya Jape’s truck than to commute, so that I could save money. We need financial for our papers. We then end up teasing each other when she answered to my query, “Uwi o kasal?” was ”Uwi.”


She added “Mis q n nga boy friends q dun.”


Then I replied, “E, di sa knila ka humingi ng pmsahe.”


I have also promised that I will call tonight when I have learned that Hanna’s looking for me.


Papay Benson directed me to go to the market and buy fish for our lunch. He handed me down P320 and said, “Bumakal ka man bitamina mo.” I was so glad.


I bought Vitamin B Complex (10 pieces) and Solmux for my cough and phlegm.


While sun-drying palay, I greeted Divina an advance happy birthday. She thanked me. She also asked me if I can go to Polot tomorrow. I said I will try. But, in my third SMS, I asked her if I’m invited, that I’ll go to Polot tomorrow because I’m going to leave for Antipolo City this week. She has no response.


We’re done sun-drying, re-sacking, and lifting sacks of palay at 6:30. My chest was aching. I knew I was so exhausted. I have lifted so many heavy sacks of palay.  


Diyang texted me at 6:30. She asked my condition here. I told her that I’m okay and about to go back to Antipolo this week to walk for our wedding papers. Later, she asked about prayer and our wedding-to-be. I tried my best to answer her questions. She thanked me and Ate Quennie for feeling good last Sunday.


Diyang and I pursue texting until late 12 midnight. Before I went to sleep, I told her about my schooling.


I prayed to God. I asked for Yoyi’s total healing from her cyst in breast, as requested by Diyang. I also thanked Him for Diyang’s changes in lifestyle. I asked for pardon at the end of our conversation.




April 8, 2008


I got up at 6 and started sweeping the buladan. I only drank coffee. Later I began producing sweat.


At seven-thirty, I confirmed my arrival at Divina’s party. I said that I’ll be there at six pm. She texted me again at 10:45. She said, ‘Oi sna mkpunta k d2 mmya ha. Alumni tau nina Anying, he he. Wla nman akong nvite na ibang frndz.” I confirmed my arrival again.


At ten: thirty-five, Padi Glenn texted me, asking if I wanted to apply to Intertrade. I asked him if he had already. He said that he hasn’t yet. And has no plan because he’s going to file for licensure exam for teachers. Thus, I said so. I told him that I was about to leave on Saturday because of wedding plans. Then, I opened up too my plan of schooling this June. I think he got excited about my decision. We exchange determined words. I knew he loves teaching, too.

At four, we started re-sacking, the hardest part of sun-drying palay.


At five-thirty when it was finished. I just breathed in a few minutes and then I put on my clothes.


At a quarter to six, I was riding a tricycle going to Polot. It so happened that it was Bolodoy who’s driving that vehicle. He asked me a few questions.


Past six, I was in Anying’s house. Daba wanted us to invite Dindo, Francis, teddy, and Lanielyn. However, Anying and I agreed upon something. I then went to Pake’s house, and she went to Dindo’s.


Francis was at their house, but he could not be able to go with me at that very moment. He confirmed that he’s going to be there after he takes a bath. So, I went to Daba’s house all alone.


I was so ashamed. Arriving alone is indeed shameful. Good thing, Divina knew how to present me with her family, friends, and relatives.


Almost one hour, I have been waiting for their arrival. It was 7:30 when Dindo and Mariel arrived. We also waited for Francis.


Without further ado, Divina served us with her delectable handa. Her party was not that grandeur, yet she had prepared lots of food.


While eating, the three were talking about something. I couldn’t relate. I was timid and unfueled. I have been a listener to them.


Right after eating, Red Horse beer was uncrowned. The conversation started to get livelier. I could also relate to myself. I was no longer a listener.


The spirit of that horse made me garrulous to the point that I made a statement that shook Divina’s mind. I told her that I already knew who the two people are she related to me on our text conversation last March 4, 2008. They were Eugene and Teddy. The former is not we tackled much. It’s Teddy who was our topic on that night. Thus, I announced ‘Killa ko nak un sin-o an insasabi mo namay gf pero nag-iintris sa imo.”


She asked how I knew. Thus, I was forced to relate that it’s Mark Conde who told me about it.


I never thought that she would react like that. According to her, she never talked to Mark and she would bever ever say the words or statement, “Siya an gusto ko asawahon.” I feel guilty about what I said. I apologized. Of course, Daba would be hurt. She’s a female and a woman does not show motives to men.


The conversation became vehement because of that. I explained that it might be me who heard the wrong statement because at that time I was thinking of our text conversation. All I heard was my exclamation, “Aha! Siya pala ang tinutukoy ni Divina.” I also explained that I was there to confirm it to her personally.


Our topic did not focus only on that matter. We also tackled my plan of schooling, my love for my children, my reason why I have got a wife at the wrong time, Anying’s love life, teddy-Divina love affair, and alumni issues.


Dindo kept his mouth shut. He declined to tell the truth about his child, which he abandoned.


I also made them envious of having kids by telling them how happy I was every time I talked to my children.


At past nine-thirty, I texted Efear. I told him my whereabout. He’s kidding me.


At twelve midnight, they brought me home to Zone 7. Anying was only one who did not come with them.


I thanked them so much before I entered the premises. I knew they were glad to do it for me.


I disturbed Papay Benson’s sleep when I called out Ate Ningning. She opened the door. Papay Benson asked “Naglakaw ka?” He’s not angry. I said, “Hinatod ako nira.” Then I went upstairs. My head was aching.





April 9, 2008


At five-thirty, I was already awake. I got up after thirty minutes. I have read Daba’s text messages. She thanked me for coming to her party. I also thanked her. I said I enjoyed their company. I also extended my thanks for Dindo.


At seven, I have already tended the palay.


Before eight, I went to Ate Quennie’s house. We conversed about Diyang. She immediately grabbed the Bible and started searching for the verses that depicted Satan’s deception, as I wanted to share with Diyang.


Our conversation was distracted by Tiya Nora’s arrival. I went back home at 9:30.


I was so sleepy while sun-drying palay. I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t. I tried to busy myself by reading, but it worsened my drowsiness. I also watched Tong-its players, but I did not help, too. I went to Aileen’s house and laid down, yet noises of Skye and Jasleen kept me awake.



At three-thirty, while texting with my emo friend, the thunder crashed our attentions. We immediately re-sacked the palay.


It was the hardest re-sacking I have ever experienced. My chest ached terribly. I almost gasped for breath. My heartbeat pumped rapidly. I have experienced near asthma.


I took a rest upstairs. I also drank hot milk, which somehow lessened my ill-feeling.


While resting, I texted Rean Genegaling, who’s working in Taiwan. She replied telling me she was okay. She also regarded me. She only made two responses. I understood her. She needed rest.


Mj texted me at 8 pm. She said, “Ei, musta?” Pag-uwi u Jollibee u kds. Inggit c Hnna ky Tetel e.”


I pity Hanna. I knew she’s always craving for Jollibee food. I, however, did not say anything about eating in that food chain. In lieu, I announced to her that my trip was postponed. She confirmed however when I was going to Antipolo. I said that it might be on Friday or Saturday. Her last words were “Kung hindi ka uuwi, kami ang pupunta dyan.”


I gave this a thought. I wanted them to be here, but I surmise it would be tough for me to entertain them during their sojourn here. Thus, I consulted the Lord. I asked for a sign and right mind in decision-making.


I slept early at 9:30 pm.





April 10, 2008


I swept in the two buladan right after I got up and drank milk. When I did, Papay Benson announced that we will not sundry palay in a public street, which I have swept in earlier.


It gladdened me instead. I could rest and do laundry today.


After breakfast, I rinsed my clothes, that I soaked yesterday.


While taking a bath, I was telling Aileen about my trip to Manila tomorrow. Later she told Papay Benson, who has been defiant to the fact that I will just go back to Antipolo for wedding’s sake. He said, “Parapakasal pa.”


I did not know why he acted like he’s not married to Mama Leling. He hurt me somehow.


While cooking, I was gloomy, thinking of Papay Benson’s disagreement. I, though, have the final say whether I will go home or not, Nut I have not enough money to do so. I only have P400+ in my wallet, which is not good for transportation expenses. I need his agreement so that he will bless me financially.


I texted Auntie Vangie at 11:30. I said, “Gud day! Disagree po c Ppay Benson ng malaman nia na uuwi aq bukas para mghnda ng pgpkasal namin ni Mj. Nggulumihanan po aq s sitwsyn. Gsto n Mj n umwi d2. Gsto n P. Benson n mag-aral aq at humwalay muna ky Mj. Gsto q po ang lhat ng mga iyon, pro d q po alam ang ggwin.”



I went to Bulasu so that I could have Ate Quennie’s advice. Unfortunately, she was not there.


Papay Benson talked to me while we were dining. He said, “Sumabay ka na lang kay Ape kay badi makadara ka bugas.” He explained a little. I just nodded. I was then determined to let Mj go here, though I knew I would face financial problems when the time of ‘going back’ comes.



At twelve-thirty, the reply of Auntie Vangie came. She said, “Nku mhirap tlg mgdcide nyan. Mgnda kc offer n K. Benson, pra skin. Cge n pgbigyan u sya. Mgaral u dyan pro wag u hiwalayan c mj. Ksalanan yan kay Ama! Khit c Mama u hnd pa2yag. Pro mas mainam nga n wag muna kau magsma pra hnd n msundan 2 bata. D2 n lng muna cla kung kaya u sacrifice.”


I told her that I could sacrifice, but I did not know if I could endure the truth that I could not provide for my children’s needs. However, I was forced to decide right away due to her inspiring words. And I think she’s been understanding and so supportive to me.


At two-thirty, we were like yesterday. We were alarmed by dark clouds. It was so hot. I hate doing it under terrible heat. But I have no choice.


At five-thirty, I beach-combed. I never found any curio-to-be. Yet, I enjoyed what I did.


I also texted Mj about the postponement of my coming back. She replied at past seven. Then I confirmed that I would not really go back to Antipolo even when Kuya Jape arrived. Then I told and permitted her to come with her Tiyo Roming or with her parents in going here to Bulan. I just did not know why she did not reply. I surmised; she misunderstood my text.





April 11, 2008


Though I was sleepless due to the mosquitoes’ entrance and distraction to my deep sleep, I still got up early. I then swept in the buladan. Afterwards, I went back to bed and terminated all the insects inside the mosquito net, that sucked my blood.


Sun-drying palay has not been hard for me today. In fact, I just helped a little. I also had time for slumbering in Alieen’s house.


At two-thirty, we started re-sacking the palay. Before we had finished it, Papay Benson handed me down a P500-bill, saying “Bakal sin bitamina mo.” I was so glad. It was a blessing. I could treat my mag-iina in Jollibee when they arrived.


Maybe he has learned from Aileen that I’m not going back to Antipolo and I’m determined to go to school again. He was glad to know about my decision, so he gave me money as a reward.


At five-thirty, I went out biking.


At quarter to six, Efear texted me, asking if I was already on a trip to manila. Later, I was text-conversing with his half-sister. We talked about her brother. Is topped biking in shed just to have on time replies for them.


I was home at 7:30.


After diner, Boboy came with me in biking. We were home at 8:45.


Watching tv, I was until 10 pm.


I thanked God for the blessings.




April 12, 2008


As usual, sweeping in the buladan was my primary activity after rising.


Kuya Muibien did not arrive. So, I was the one who did everything, except for a few helps of Papay Benson. Plus, the rain poured down right after I scattered the palay. I was gasping for breath when we were done covering the palay grains.


We tend those again after 15 minutes. Still, Kuya Muibien was absent.


At one thirty, I was directed to buy star apples in the market. On the way home, the rain was about to drop. I arrived and saw them like crazy people. Yet, I helped them. I was very angry, but my anger was not for the Creator, but for the detractor.


At past three, I took a catnap upstairs. It was four when I came down to keep the grains.


At five-thirty, after 30 minutes of resting, Boboy and I swam in the beach. We did it for almost an hour.


After I put my clothes on, I was commanded to buy fish for our dinner. Boboy came with me.


Mj, after I texted her, did not reply. I was starting to worry. It’s puzzling me. However, at 8;30, she answered back. I asked if they would be here still. She said that they might travel on Wednesday. She then asked me if I would give her the fare. I confirmed it, saying I have P900 in my wallet.


I was so happy for her text especially when she said “Excited n nga c Hnna e. Lgi nya q tntnong, Uuwi tayo Mama? C Zj ns mkulit n. Bk mga Wed ang uwi nmin jan. 4sure nmn d cla mgttgal d2 e.”


I missed them so much.


Before I slept, Divina texted me. She wanted to explain on what we have talked about on her birthday. I apologized again to her. I also partly explained however her replies were stuck on a text traffic.




April 13, 2008


It was past 1:30 when I read her text messages. She said, “Oi, k lng po, wka k nmang kslanan. Tska ngkwen2 k lng nman, kya lng npaicp lng tlga aq kc parang npahiya kc aq eh, kc lumlbas n prang aq ung nghhbol.”


“Gus2 q sn mkausap c mark, kc parang tingin nina Dindo an Anying n parang aq ung nghhbol ky Teddy, wla  sa vocabulary q ung ipaggiitan ung sarili q.”


“Pcencia din po ah kc ncc p kta, big deal po kc s akin dhil d same circle of frndz kmi, taz ung lumabas n issue n pra ako ung nghhbol ky Teddy. Mhrap db kc d nman 220 un.”


Thus, at seven, I texted her, explaining myself. I told her that it doesn’t matter if Mark said it. What’s important is we believe in her. I also apologized for not having a strong determination to speak out what mark has really said because I did not want it to end up in a petty quarrel which rooted from a petty and naive issue. I hoped she would accept the fact that Teddy indeed said it.


Amy texted me at 7:40/ She announced her arrival in Bulan. I teased her, asking for pasalubong.


I rained early in the morning, so it’s our day-off today. I was so glad that I could have a rest.


Later, Myles texted me. She asked me if she could borrow P250 for a purpose. I was forced to say yes, but I could give it in tomorrow.


At eight-thirty, Daba replied. She said that Dindo, Anying, and she conversed last night until 3 am about the issue. She, according to her, cried in front of the two due to severe teasing.

Later, Anying texted me. She said, “Gud am, Poroy. Yd2 na insabi u kan Divina, toto tlga yd2 kay hsta kgbe diyo n kmi mghiriran. Naghiribi ngani siya kay may malain man kmi daw naistorya lniya.”


I confirmed by asking, “Totoo na siya an ngsabi?”


She did not reply.


I stayed upstairs just lying down. I tried to sleep but I failed due to Eking-and-Boboy’s presence.



After lunch, Marjs and I were conversing through texting, after she regarded me, “Kumusta?” I have learned from her about her plan of going home in May. I then asked her about her husband. She, however, did not give any comment as if she was keeping a filthy secret.


At past one, I was directed to order pansit at the Dopol’s Restaurant, as Papay Benson’s treat for the Oli girls/cousins who are meeting for their forthcoming reunion to be held on April 21, 2008.


I watched tv before I stayed upstairs from 3 pm to 6;30 pm.


At past 4, Daba sent this to me: “Oi, gud pm po! Cencia n ha f naapek2han k dun s issue, wag u po mguilty kc thankful nga aq kc ngtanong k s akin, ibig sbhin po frnd tlga kta kc d u bsta nnwla s mga ndinig u.”


I just hoped she’s okay now.


Ate Ningning thought I was sick. The truth was I just wanted to rest or sleep.


While watching tv, Ate Quennie came in. Later, she asked me if I already inquired about methods. I said I have not yet, but I did before in KRAMS. I explained to her that seeing at the prospectus, it might consume 2 and a half years to cover the methods education course. She then suggested to pursue applying in lending, which was not my choice anymore. I felt sad. It confused me again.


Even Mama Leling thought that I’m going back to Antipolo for a long stay there. I just did not give any comment. But it stirred my mind.


Mj texted me at primetime. She said that Tiyo Roming was already there. She also related their visit to Tita Lo’s house and the stuff they received from Ka Sonny, who had just arrived from the States.




April 14, 2008


I woke up at past 6 am. I did not know what to do or what productive things I must do today—cloudy day. Good thing, I was directed to do marketing by Papay Benson. At least, I would have something to be busy with.


I made myself busy by cooking. Then after taking siesta, I took a bath so that I could have a tight afternoon sleep.


I stayed upstairs until past three. I did not know if I had a catnap.


Mj texted me at 8:45 pm. She said, “Ei, Thursday ata kami uwi jan. Wla nga aq pera e. Wla p pera Tita Lo. Wla pngmilk. Tnext q Flor, d reply.”


I felt sad about it, though she did not ask for money. I knew she was in crisis, in need. I knew they’re very affected by a nationwide crisis. It hurts to know that my children were starving for milk.


Marjs and I conversed. She’s looking for a job in Manila. I suggested she teach even in a private school. She thanked me when we stopped texting, for uplifting her.




April 15, 2008


I got up at past 6. Later I started sweeping in the buladan. Then I repotted some of my bonsai trees.


I was determined to sundry palay alone, but Kuya Muibien arrived, instead I helped him.


Before ten o’ clock in the morning, I did marketing of viand. Before I cooked, I helped him scatter the palay.


After lunch, I took a nap at Aileen’s house. I think I have fallen asleep despite the television volume.


Before we re-sacked the sundried palay, Marjs and I were texting. Happy texted me, too. We talked about her activities. I admired her for persevering and determining in finding a job. She thanked me after.



My conversation with Marjs ended up reiterating our past love affair. She apologized for hurting me. I also have learned that she’s making sacrifices as well. She’s separated from her husband so that the latter would make a way for their better lives. She’s doing like what I was doing.


Mj texted me “Ei,” but she did not reply when I asked her.





April 16, 2008


Right after I got up at past 6, I swept in the buladan. I was doing it while drinking hot coffee.



At past eight, we had already scattered the palay. It was also when Myles sent me a quote. I knew she just reminded me of the P250, she’s borrowing from me. I did not reply. I decided not to lend her it because I did not trust her. My impression of her is not good. It started when she asked me for a load. I’m forgetting her past affair with Sir Pelingon, but it also contributed to her bad reputation. I did not care if she would think badly about me.


At past two, I told her, “Oi, kaw na lang pmunta d2 sa Zone 7. Sobrang busy kc aq.”


She said, “Next week nmn e.”’


Saved by the bell…


I almost did all the sun-drying. Kuya Muibien was here, but he was occupied in sand collecting. But it was okay.



At past 5, while I was reading Liwayway Magazine, Mj texted me. She announced that their trip tomorrow is already fixed. Then, we talked about several things over it. I have learned that she was not yet given by Tita Lo.


Efear texted me, too. He asked me about my family’s vacation here. I told him my excitement. Later I discovered that he and his sister were sharing text messages. They read each other’s text. Yet, I did not fear telling some account of my life. It was just Efear who stopped me from revealing my life stories and his secrets. Thus, I postponed taletelling.


Efear’s sister texted me with an ‘I hate u. I hate u.”


I did not know why she reacted that way.


At past ten, when I was about to sleep, I was praying, too, Marjs texted me “Hello.” I replied. Later, we reiterated our love pasts.




April 17, 2008


I got up at past seven. Then, I had breakfast. While doing so, I was told by Papay Benson to sun-dry the four sacks of palay. So, I swept in the buladan.


While waiting for the sun to show up, I helped in general cleaning, which was initiated by Ate Ningning.


Two minutes after I had scattered the palay, the rain fell, so we quickly re-sacked them. Geh! My chest was pounding, However, we re-scattered them when the sun shone again.


Jeff’s half-sister apologized for what she said last night. Then, his brother and I exchanged text messages. We were doing it after re-sacking of palay. I confided with him my past sexual stories. He was so shocked to know them.


At six, Papay Benson gave me P100 as balato for winning in jueteng. I thanked him. I bought load later.


Before dinner, I texted Michael. I asked him if Mj and their parents were on the trip to Bulan already. He said they do. It excites me.


Me-Ann texted me, too. She announced the whereabout of Mj, my kids, and my in-laws. She said they were in Laguna.


At past ten, when I was already upstairs, Tia Mila and others arrived. Mama Leling won P4000 in jueteng. I went downstairs and received P100 from her.


I pursued texting with Romeo Frilles. We talked about his lover. I advised him not to give so much, especially his money.


At past 12, I was still wide-awake. I did not know why. Maybe it was because of excitement.



April 18, 2008


At five-thirty, I got up. Minutes later, after drinking hot milk, I lfet to Polot.


Ate Nieva rode in the tricycle where I was riding. She asked me something and told me more things.


Before six, I was already in Tiyo Roming’s house. Ginalyn was there. She talked to me. Later, I went to Lolo Aton’s house. I met Auntie Ludy there. They told me to have breakfast. So, I did. Later, we were conversing about my mag-iina’s visit, our wedding plan, schooling, and many more. I spent hour there.


Then, terrible waiting began. While waiting, I conversed with Lusi, Mj’s cousin; Tammy, Flor’s brother, and Tiya Linday, Efear’s aunt. But most of my four hours anticipation, I have been idle and bored.


At exactly ten, they arrived. I was so glad to see my kids. I embraced Hanna and Zildjian tightly. I kissed them many times.


Before 11:30. We were in Liman. We were there to see Nicole, who was so glad to see Hanna, Zj, and her lola and lolo. We did not stay there for long.


At one pm, I introduced my mag-iina to Lola Banday and Lolo Aton. Lola Banday was so delighted to my kids because they’re not untamed like most of the kids.


On the way to the barangay library, we saw Bigit. I then introduced him to my kids. I knew he envied me. His reaction was a mere slight vexation. He said, “Espinosa ang mga pandok. Daog si poroy.” I just smiled at him.


Since Auntie Leny was not in the library yet, we went directly to their house. Lolo Indoy and she were there. I did not see any bad feelings about our arrival. Yet, we left after two minutes. I knew they liked my kids, too.


On the way back to Tiyo Roming’s house, we saw Manoy Bino, Nonoy Moroña, and Tiyo Boy in a bang house. They were drinking liquor, yet I talked to them in a few minutes. Then, we saw some known personas at the waiting shed. They regarded us.


At Tiyo Roming’s home, we waited for Nanay’s arrival. It was three when they arrived. After a few minutes, we left Polot.


In Zone 7, almost all were happy to see my kids. I also went to Bulasu. Ate Quennie, though busy, entertained us.


I then washed my family’s dirty clothes and kids’ bottles.


At six, I introduced Mj and my kids to Tiya Piying, who’s Tatay’s first cousin. Mj and Tiya Piying conversed while Hanna and I went to the beach. We stayed there for ten minutes. I knew Hanna enjoyed it. She kept on saying ‘bangka.’


Aileen did the cooking. Then she told us to sleep over at their house. I already expect it. She entertained us very well.





April 19, 2008


At five, I was already awake, but I got up at six. My mag-iina were still sleeping.


At past eight, we went to the beach. Mj was consoling Zj, who was crying. I did not know why. Maybe he’s afraid to see the vastness of the sea. While Skye was enjoying the water, Hanna was both afraid and enjoying. Good thing, she dripped into the water. Thus, I took pictures of them.


We went home after 20 minutes. Then Jasleen and Hanna continued swimming and bathing in a turtle pond. I just stopped Hanna from being stacked in the water to avoid her from getting sick.


At eleven-thirty, Jay-R texted me, using his new number. He regarded me, but at first, he invited me for a meeting. I told him about me, and I learned from him that he was working in Robinson’s Mall.


At one, we (I, Mj, and our kids) went to Bulasu because Delon told us to do so. Ate Quennie would go to the market, and no one would oversee their store and the carpenter, who was working there.


Jasleen, Chatty, and Hanna were playing. I could see the good dealings of the two with my daughter.


When we went back home, Ate Quennie gave Hanna Pampers diapers (XL). It was so expensive, huh!


Before I joined my mag-iina in sleeping at past 2, I helped Aileen in her project—cooking of biko. I just shredded coconuts.


It was four when I got up. My kids and Mj were still sleeping.


Aileen bought Zj a pair of basketball attire. That was her promise that if the boat Skye had a bountiful catch, she would buy him a shirt, so she did.


My prayer was answered.


After merienda, I spent hours watching tv and taking care of my children. I knew they understand. That’s okay if I would not do anything, just like what I was doing when my family was not yet here.


I just cooked rice.


After dinner, I told Mj or I commanded her to wash the dishes. So, she did while I took care of Zj.


At nine, Happy texted me. She announced her success. She’s hired. Our text conversation lasted until past 10.




April 20, 2008


I got up early so that I could prepare for our leaving to Polot. Thus, after breakfast, we started the preparation—it was a long one. Zj had tantrum due to slight fever.


Before nine, we left Zone 7. We bought Tempra first, and we went directly to Jollibee. There I saw Mylene. I forgot her surname. We talked a little while in the queue. She’s with her two boys.


We just took the order out.


Before ten, we were already in Polot. The Espinosa family were cooking and preparing for the outing.


In a few minutes, we left Tiyo Roming’s house. We visited Elizaga’s residences. The first house was Fedrico’s. It was only Bolodoy’s wife who was there. Then, we were stationed at Manoy Nante’s house. The kids there were so amused by my children. They kept on looking at us. Finally, we dropped by Mamay Gaya’s house. Many Aday was there, too. All of them complimented my kids.


We just stayed there for 10 minutes. Then, we bade adieu. Hanna showed off her smartness by saying ‘Babye.”


On the way-- back and forth, some of the taga-Polot saw us. Some dared to ask. Some just smiled.


At twelve, we were in Sabang Beach and Park Resort. We immediately ate lunch. Later, I accompanied Hanna to the beach. She took a plunge in the water. She was so happy. She loved it. I also took her to the Bird’s Paradise and playground. We played see-saw.


I left Hanna to Tatay, then I took Zj. We roamed somewhere in the park, but he was crying so I gave him back to Mj.


Later, the four of us bonded. I bought them ice cream.


There, I met Ricky Hipos, my collegiate classmate. We talked a bit.


At two, we left Sabang.


I was home before 3. Later, I did laundry while washing, I was boiling glutinous rice. After that, I cooked biko. Then I washed the dishes.


All were busy…


Then I went to the market. After that, I shredded coconuts.


At past seven, I was on the tricycle going to Polot. On the way, Dindo texted me. He was asking my whereabout. I saw them on the highway.


When I arrived at Espinosa’s residence, they were sleeping.


I waited for Dindo, Anying, and Daba to arrive since I told them to do so, so that they could see my kids. In fact, Mj, Zj, and I tried to look for them. But, Zildjian has fallen asleep.


It was past 8;30 when Daba came in. We conversed in the street. Pake was there, too. They told me that Daba’s confusion and thought about the issue has been solved.


Then, they disappointed me by not inviting me or letting me join them on the jamming. I really wanted to have a merry-go-round. Thus, I asked Mj’s permission. I said, I would be on the videoke bar being managed by Tammy—Flor’s brother. I also gave respect to my in-laws, especially Yaya Empang.


I was in the videoke bar at 9:30. It was not the first time I would do it.


There, I was invited by Andy. He was with familiar faces who were Mary Jane’s friends in Liman. I was indeed planning to drink beer all by myself. Yet, I decided to join them in an instant. After a few seconds, he gave me the glass. I shot it. Then I handed down Andy an amount for one grande.


Andy interviewed me a bit, but most of the time, I was silent. It was okay. I knew they were all ashamed. So, do I.


In my stay there, I saw friends. I also noticed the sophistication of the place. I admired Tammy’s for his success.


Before I bade goodbye to my kainuman, I saw Mayor and Bigit. I knew they saw me, too.


May tama was exact—not too much, not too little.


When I was on the higaan, I related to Mj about her friends. I said, ‘Inggit” I knew, she missed them.


It was 11;30 pm when I closed my eyes to sleep.




April 21, 2008


At six, I got up. I kissed Hanna who was still sleeping. When I was about to say goodbye, Nanay served me a hot coffee.


At six-thirty, I rode a tricycle.


At seven, I was home. Immediately I looked for something I could do. Later I was directed by Papay Benson to buy meat. When I did, I chopped and cooked it.


I also helped with grilling, cooking some dishes. Geh! It was so hot. I got a river of sweat.


The reunion of OLI Clan was about to start, but I was still unrefreshed. It was okay. I did not belong to the clan anyway.


Oli Clan is a very united. They were extended. I admired them for that.


At eleven, the lunch break resumed. Auntie Puring gave me a plate of food. I thanked her. She still remembered me. Well, she should not because she was my midwife. Yesterday, she gave me multivitamins.


I was so full. The food was in abundance. I could not even taste it all. I just eat my favorite ones.


After eating, I helped collect disposables and messes. But I stopped when I saw someone who’s doing it. Instead, I presented myself as a photographer. Ate Ningning entrusted me, so I did it professionally. I took every happy moment, taking place such as games and laughter.


I stopped taking pictures at 1:30 when they were doing some activities. Besides, I was so sleepy. Thus, after entertaining a few text messages, I took a nap. I got up at past 4. I wanted to eat, but nothing left to eat. Instead, I had coffee while dishwashing. I also helped in sweeping and segregating garbage.


At past six, I left for Polot.


I wanted to go to the videoke bar, but our children were both tantrummy. I could not leave them. In lieu, I sleep early.




April 22, 2008


At five-thirty, we were all awake. A few minutes after I got up, Nanay served me a cup of coffee. Then, we were preparing to leave. We will take Hanna to a manghihilot to know if she has pilay.


Yaya Deling did the traditional massage. She found out that Hann had pilay on her upper back, despite my child’s revolt.


At past 9, we went to videoke bar. Tammy was busy. So, he could not entertain us. He did not even care to see my son. He disappointed me.


Our children’s tantrums continued until after lunch. Good thing, they fell asleep. The four of us took a nap until twenty-five minutes of two.


Zildjian and Hanna became crying babies. I did not know what to do. It almost irritated me.


At three, I decided to leave Polot. Immediately, Mj prepared their stuff. We left after 30 minutes. At four, we arrived in Zone 7. We were on time to their merienda. So, we joined them, though we were done in Polot.


At five, I helped Papay Benson in his palay work. Later, Kuya Bambi and I unbuilt the tolda.


At six-thirty, I introduced my kids to Ate Jennilyn. Then, I took care of Zildjian. Hanna was with Charity, who had been kind to her, unlike Jasleen.





April 23, 2008


I cooked our breakfast a few minutes after I woke up, but I swept in the buladan before anything else.


At past eight, we tended/scattered the palay/ that was when I asked Papay Benson’s permission to claim my one sack of rice that he gave me, so that my in-laws could bring it. Good thing, he never failed me.


Later, I accomplished tasks like marketing and purchasing cement. I also took time to bond with my kids. I kissed them many times, especially Zildjian, who was craving for my presence and warmth.


Mj and I conversed about several things. I knew she enjoyed their few days sojourn.


At quarter to two, we were already dressed, but Zj had fallen asleep, so we let him sleep.


At past 2, we bade adieu to them. Papay Benson gave Hanna P150.


In Bulan Integrated Terminal, we waited for my in-laws for a few minutes. They were Tatay, Nanay, Tiyo Boy, Elek, and Nicole.


At past three, the bus they rode in left the terminal. Hanna was happily waving goodbye to me. I waved my hand, too.


When I arrived home, I immediately helped in re-sacking the palay. It was past 4 pm when we finished. Then, I texted Flor Rhina. I said, “Uy nsa biyahe n cn Mj. Sbhin u ky Mama n pndala q s knila ang isang sakong bigas n bnigay skn. Ang alam nila d2, tig 25 kilos can Tatay at mama. Pero ang 220 bngay q n un kay Tatay lhat. Sna wg n mlamn n Jano. Salamat!”


I took a nap at Aileen’s sala.


At five-thirty, Boboy and OI went to the beach. It was low-tide, so we crab-searched.


At past six, I cooked our dinner.


At primetime, I texted Jefferson. I said, “Maogma aq maski naubos an kwarta q. Nkabonding q an mga bata q. Nag-swimming km isa dgat. S Sabang nian sat ungod namo. Naipakilala q cra s mga kmag-anak. Naimud cn mga taga-Polot. Ngaralas cra. Nai-Jollibee q man cra… Tpos nagging mlapit p s aq an baby boy q. Ays!”


I also text-conversed with Happy. We talked a lot.





April 24, 2008


I rose early. I immediately swept in the buladan. Afterwards, I grilled lawlaw fish for breakfast.


At nine, I thought it was, Michelle confirmed that Mj and her company arrived at 6:30. I thanked God.


Since Kuya Muybien was there, I had a chance to wash my clothes.


At past 10, I cooked our lunch.


At two, I took a nap. It was 3 pm when I got up to help Kuya Muibien in re-sacking the palay.


At five-thirty, I stayed upstairs. Later, Boboy and I conversed about multifarious matters. We went down to eat supper at seven-twenty.


After dishwashing, I went upstairs. It was 8 when Mj texted. She said, “Ei, sori kung ngaun lng q txt, bc kc kalilinis.C Hnna mgdamag my lagnat s biyahe. Binili q antibiotic ung dlwa.”


I have learned that Hanna loves to drink water due to her fever. I pity her, but according to Mj, she was okay now, except for the possibilities of petty quarrels among the kids there. Mj then told me that she would be patient.


W bade ‘Gudnyt’ at 8;45 pm.


After taking Multivitamins, I uttered orison, thanking God for the security and safety He gave my mag-iina and in-laws. I also asked for good health and financial blessings.





April 25, 2008


It rained at 5;30, so I did not get up early. It was 7 when I did.


At past eight, I had accomplished marketing. Then I prepared the ingredients. Ate Jennilyn took over the cooking.


At past nine, I texted Diyang. I greeted her a ‘Happy Birthday!’


I took a nap after lunch. At two, I took a bath. I went back upstairs, but I just dilly-dallied.


At four, I was commanded to do marketing. When I got home, I immediately prepared the vegetables.


Before I had cooked it, the visitors arrived. Some knew me and some regarded me. I knew most of them.


I slept early.





April 26, 2008


My sleep was disturbed when Aileen came and called out at 3 am. She announced that fishermen of Skye boat needed rescue and help. She borrowed my cell phone.


I fell asleep after more than an hour. I got up at seven. Although I knew the weather was not good, I still swept in the buladan.


AT past nine, I did was also when Mj texted me, using PLDT sim. We talked more about it, but when I regarded the kids, she did not reply.


After lunch, Papay Benson gave me P100 as balato for he won P4000 in jueteng.


At one, I was text-conversing with Jeff and his half-sister. They were both cool and makulit. I like them. I enjoyed texting with them.


Later, I sun-dried three sacks of palay. I did not take a catnap because the weather was not good.


At three-thirty, we kept the palay.


At four, I was directed to do marketing. When I arrived, I immediately prepared what I bought.


At six, Diyang texted me. She thanked me for greeting her yesterday. According to her, she expected it, and I was one of the two greeters. Later, she sent this: “…No party. I dnt knw y I jst fil it. Myb God mke me fil it. Ur d 1 hu bring me bak 2 God. Reali! I rid s Bible. I fil joy f u bliv them d evil enemies stil thre but sori dey dnt scced. I fil sori 4 dem. Wait Im tryn 2 learn d hot evil head of my fmli. Dey wnt me out n dis haws. I dnt fil ds s mine. But I dnt hve my own kya Im stil hir.”


I tried to reply with good words, but Satan disrupted my sending effort. It mechanically turned off. Thus, I opted not to re-type what I did. I instead replied to her query about my schooling and Mj’s opinion about it.


I slept past 10.




April 27, 2008


At six-thirty, I was already awake, but it was seven when I got up. And at 8, I was already at the Bethel temple. I was the first churchgoer to arrive. I, however, waited a few hours.


After Sunday service, the Bethel Temple Youths invited me to join their fellowship. I committed to it since it was the second invitation from my first Sunday of the stay here in Bulan.


Sunday School ended at 12:30. I was home before one.


After lunch, I just dish washed and took a bath. Then, I went to Amy’s house. There, we conversed until past 2 pm. After that, I biked through Obrero. I was hesitant to join the fellowship because I was not a youth anymore. I thought of going home, but I still waited for them.


At first, I was so timid and quiet while the fellowship was taking place, but when Bro. Tanny spoke, I had the guts to raise my hand to share something relevant to the topic. I have seen their interest and good hearing attitude.


It was past 3 when it ended.


I was stationed there when Lola Bening talked to me about Elizaga vs. Agaton Furaque case. Plus, the rain fell. Thus, I conversed with her for a few minutes with Faith. She was a friend of mine—friend in faith.


At five-thirty, I left the church, however I had to stopover in the sheds due to rain. I waited so long for the rain to stop at the shed in Zone 5.


I was home at 6;30 pm. I was so wet. I just prayed I would not get sick.


My absence for almost a whole day of 10 hours in the house resulted in eating ready-made viand for lunch, and we resulted in eating canned goods for supper. Papay Benson was indeed trusting me. Good thing, he never asked why I left so long.


I went upstairs at 9:30.




April 28, 2008


At quarter to six, my eyes voluntarily opened, yet I took time on my bed. And when I got up and made hot drink, Papay Benson gave us a heavy task-- lifting and de-sacking of palay.


Afterwards, I cooked rice for our baon. Oli’s clan would be having a beach-outing in Nasuje. Ate Jennilyn persuaded me to join them.


At past 8, we left Iraya. At nine, we were already in Nasuje. I was not so amused by the place, yet after we ate spaghetti, Boboy and I beachcombed. We also looked for bonsai materials, but we found nothing.


I did not feel like swimming because the water was blurred. It was not inviting. Thus, after brunch (It was 10:30), I lay down on the sand. Boboy invited me to swim, but I did not join him. Until he decided to go home. I felt sad, but I went on napping. At past 12 when we left the beach. I thanked God.


We were home at past one. I took a bath immediately. Alter I went upstairs and took a rest and sleep. It was 4 pm when I went downstairs.


At five, I was texting with Efear. He bade bye at past six. It was okay. At least we exchanged views, jokes, secrets, and fun.




April 29, 2008


I immediately swept in the buladan right after I got up. Later I was doing carpentry, related to palay. Next was lifting and re-sacking.


At past seven, I was directed by Ate Ningning to buy cement and do marketing.


While cooking, I de-sacked the palay to be sun-dried. I finished kitchen work at 10. I was so tired; thus, I took a nap at Aileen’s sala. At past 11, I got up to eat.


After taking a bath, I stayed upstairs. I read Liwayway Magazine.


The rain slightly fell at 3. Thus, we were forced to move forcefully and quickly. I was gasping for breath when we were done. Thus, I took a rest. At four, when we were done re-sacking.


After biking, I was commanded to do marketing. In the market, Efear and Padi Glenn texted. The latter asked me if I was already enrolled. I asked him, too, if he already filed in Licensure Examinations for Teachers.


I finished cooking at past seven.


Whew! I was so tired from the whole day’s work.


I went upstairs before ten.




April 30, 2008


Sweeping and drinking hot coffee were my activities right after waking up. It was quarter to six.


I went back upstairs. There, I replied to Myles’ text messages. We talked about RGCC, schooling, and LET.


At seven-thirty, Jay-R texted me. He asked me when I would go back to Polot.


While sun-drying palay, I was cooking our lunch. Marj and I were texting, too. I pity her. She would only eat pandesal for breakfast.


At eleven I was done cooking. Thus, we ate early. That time. Many Baby texted me. She regarded my family, Jano, and Taiwan. I had also learned that she has a daughter and was about to give birth in August.


While watching tv, I have fallen into a shallow sleep. But I was thankful that my drowsiness was given a chance.


At four, we were done re-sacking. I went upstairs. I just took a rest for a few minutes. After thirty minutes, I went to the market. The rain poured down after I bought everything I needed for the menu, yet I biked through home. I was stationed when the rain became furious.


Before seven, I was cooking.


I went upstairs at 9:30. No one greeted me “Good night.”























































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