
Friday, February 21, 2014

MY JOURNAL (February 15-21, 2006)

February 15, 2006

          Six-twenty, Taiwan arrived from work. I didn't ask or remind him of the money, I asked before, because I've heard from him that he has no money to enable to bring the negative film in a developing center, not to mention Jenny's lack of check-ups and ultrasound.

          I did two artworks today...

          Water supply truck came, and we paid P14 to have life again. I shampooed my hair, which was 3-days unbathed and applied conditioner on it. I feel fresh again!

          Then, I cooked 'phacham', a dish I have discovered today. It is composed of cubed 'gabi' roots, sauteed onion and garlic, sardines, tomato catsup and half-cooked eggs. It was tasty and spicy due to MSG and a lot of black pepper.

          I wanted to draw. Thus, I copied the animated picture in a calendar-let, which was given free by Fiberline Industries, Inc., a manufacturer of sanitary products like Happy diaper, being used by Hanna Margaret. My drawing almost resembled it. Then, I named it Flory and signed it, el saga 02242k6. I know, she'll be happy to see it.

         One-thirty, I have written 'Promdi', a comedy skit.

         When Taiwan rose up from tight sleep, he did not even mention if he will give me the sum, I was asking to enable me to go back to Bulan, where I love living in the most. He also did not like to eat my menu. What's the problem on his appetite?

          He left at 5:00. But before that, he was asked by Mama about the money I asked. Taiwan told us his hardship in producing their expected baby's stuffs. I understand his and Jenny's situations. But I wanted to tell him that I regret to come her just to attend their nuptials.

          He wanted me to ask Jano instead and he will text him to give me how much I need, but Mama do not want to. I agree with Mama.

          Haay! Mj, you are my hope. Please, do something about it. I really want to go back to Bulan.

          To lessen my frustration, I made repair works. One. I repair the word factory tile using cut-out letters from a magazine. And I repair the one-page advertisement of Graco, manufacturer of babies' cribs, stroller, etc., into a poster of my Baby Hanna. The picture of a year-old baby resembled Hanna very closely. That's why I was enticed to do so.

          This is my advanced 7th month birthday to Baby Marge...

          "Thank you, Lord! You answered my prayer. Flor Rhina is now a lady. She has now a period."

          Devotional Prayer: Safe pregnancy of Jenny, more financial blessings for us and future of my child, Hanna Margaret Elizaga. It will take effect, I mean, it will start tonight.

February 16, 2006

           I rose up at seven-forty something. I first kept my bedding, then swept the floor. And, when I was about to take my breakfast, there was no rice in either rice cooker or 'caldero'. We have 'ulam', because Jano brought 'bangus' last night. It was okay! I was still happy. God continuously blesses me a gift of life. Thee's nothing to fret for. Instead, I started doing my hobbies.

           Last night, I came up with an idea of writing a new screenplay. It was untitled still, but I have a concept of how it would be made. Thus, I started it right away. And, today I was doing it devotedly.

          Nine-twenty-five, I finished the story line and I have titled it "Kaming mga sawi." I hope it turns out wonderful. "Oh, Lord. help me in realizing this. Make it nice and competent. this is my third screenplay. I hope someday it will be a film. Amen."

          I have written a comedy skit entitled "Guiness Book of World Records" after finishing the storyline.

          Then, I sketched the house on a paper given to me by Flor Rhina.

          After having a lunch of sauteed milkfish with camote leaves, I felt terrible heat. I wanted to take a bath, but I couldn't. There's no water. However, Mama insisted that I must take a bath. Thus, I did. I used 3-measures-of-dipper water, and it was enough to refresh me.

          I've learned new important phrase or sentence from watching "Pilipinas Game KNB?" These are Bahasa words for "I love you," Saya Cinta Kamu.

          I've been expecting Mj and Hanna to come, but they did not. As to my dismay, I made an invitation, as sample, for Baby Marge 1st Birthday Party. Tomorrow is her 7th month birthday. I hope I could see her here.

          Frankly, I was disappointed of not arriving of Mj. It was not only because I like to eat chocolates from States, but also because I wanted to know something good from them. If I could go home or not.

          I wanted to start scriptwriting the story "Kaming Mga Sawi,” however I have no extra notebook or lot of bond papers to do so. I like to start doing it because I could lose the desire of finishing it.

          "Tinta at Tisa" was another title of the unwritten screenplay that crossed my mind. Anyways, the concept or the story is all about a frustrated writer and unfulfilled teacher.

          Before sleeping, I did first my devotional prayer, which started a night ago.

February 17, 2006

          Happy 7th Month Birthday, Hanna Margaret!

          I'm still hopeful that they will arrive today..

          While waiting for a water supply truck, I was waiting as well for Mj and Hanna. It was past twelve when the truck came but my 'mag-ina' did not.

          I gave up waiting for them at 2:30 PM. It saddens me. I was merely entertaining myself by watching TV. But, every commercial gap, I used to think why they did not come.

          The old superstition about the sound of domestic lizard is true and reliable. I used to believe in it. I have proven it many times.

          According to them, if a domestic lizard often and soundly cries, which sounds like this: Tik! Tik! Tik! or Tsak! Tsak! Tsak! or Tak! Tak! Tak! someone will arrive.

          Today, domestic lizards were often crying. I expect for a guest. And I put on my mind that the guest would be Mj.

          The darkness scattered but no one arrived.

          Another anticipation has happened. We wait for Jano for it's his payday today. We expect him to buy viand. However, 9:30 he was not yet around. So, we eat adobo rice.

          He arrived drunk. It was around eleven. Good thing we did not wait for him.

February 18, 2006

          I think it was 5:00 AM when Jano woke me up to give P520 for groceries. I slept again and rose up totally at 6:00AM to do "shopping", huh!

          I reckoned that Mj and Baby Marge would arrive this day, but the rain starts to fall. Thus, it is possible that they would postpone it. Haay! Another day of waiting.

          Before I took a bath, I watched "Art Jam". I've learned from the hosts that "mobile" is a term for moving artwork such as window chime.

          Then, I and Mama watched "Kusina, ATBP" on NBN 4. I've learned the way of cooking Benguet's "pinicpican". It is a chicken dish. The way of dressing and slaughtering the chicken is the etymology of "pinicpican", because it is being tapped by stick and burnt on the fire. Then, the chopped meat will be boiled with ginger. That's it!

          Another is a Benguet delicacy ---"linapet". The ingredients are ground rice, iodized salt, sugar, and peanut. These are wrap in a banana leaf and boil. That's it!

          I also watched "Ka-Toque. Lutong Barkada", a cooking show of QTV 11. Then, one of the chefs or cooks there quoted "In every woman, here is a queen." He meant that treat every woman as a queen. I think it would be useful to my scriptwriting in the future.

          Two, I watched "Wow:What's On Weekend", a travel show of RPN 9. I've learned the Paete's delicacy--- "minane". It is a deep-fried cassava with garlic, just like "adobong mani".

          When I saw Lorenz taken care of Flory, I remember my and Mj promise to Tintin, that tomorrow we will give our birthday gift to her son. I was scared Mj might not come morrow. However, it was her idea to give gift even it was too late. I hope she'll remember it.

          To gladden myself, I did useful renovations on the rack's displays. I changed their positions. I framed my sketch with popsicle sticks.

          Jano ang Gie arrived at past ten, with sliced bread, cantons, and junk foods on a plastic bag, I mean...with a plastic bag of...

          Few minutes later, it was ten-forty, Itoy called out for Jano outside. He was with Tonton and Domeng. They were drunk. And I have known that Itoy is scheduled to go abroad, I think to Dubai, on March 6. He is really a confident one. I wish I have too that kind of confidence.

         They left after twenty-five minutes...

          I did devotional prayer, before closing my eyes to sleep.

February19, 2006

          My eyes involuntarily opened at 6:40 yet I laid down again till eight. I said once that I would not rise unless Mj arrived, but I still did.

          Then, I kept my beddings and started scanning the broadsheet, brought by Jano last night, while Flory was preparing our breakfast.

          After I have taken in peanut butter sandwich and egg sandwich, I started to miss Hanna. Thus, I made something to forget them. I picked up nails and metals yonder, but it was useless move.

          I stayed outside, because Jano and Gie occupied the TV until eleven. Thus, I missed the shows I usually watch every Sunday. Hmp!

          Flory handed me down a picture taken at Lorenz' birthday party. Hanna's pic was not given to me by April.

          It's 2:40 now. I'm not in a mood of watching TV. I have called God hundred times for Him to hear my wish. I wanted to give up waiting but I couldn't resist my desire of seeing Hanna and knowing from Mj something soothing to my heart. I was, honestly, so bored here, although I like being with my family.

           What is happening to Espinosa Family? Speculations flooded my mind: (1) That Calove's haven't arrive yet; (2) That Mj possibly thought I was already in Bulan; (3) or that Mj wanted me to visit them personally. God knows how much I like. The truth is I don't have money.

           Today is supposed to be the day we should present our gift to Lorenz, as we promised Tintin last Sunday. It will be a shame for both of us if we can't. They might think we're "word-of-honor less"

            I watched "The Buzz". I anticipated the "The Martin Jickain--Aiko Melendez Wedding". I called Mama to watch too. She was then delighted by the flower arrangements at Fernwood Garden. Me, too! Their wedding was wonderful.

            Yet, I was still sad of Hanna Margaret's absence. I missed her so much.

            I watched 'Rated K' and I have learned there that the "lato", a seaweed, is productive and expensive. It is being exported. Usually, 'lato' or 'gam-et' in Ilocos name, is the one that is used in Japanese cuisine.

            I was excited and induced to try it or to make or to dry as sample. It would be useful in cooking. Someday!

February 20, 2006

          Three-thirty AM, I was bitten by a rat. Good thing, his teeth were not so sharp to wound my thumb. I wonder why it chose my thumb among others.

          Thus, it resulted to insomnia. Hmp!

           Eight, I was awakened by Tito Ben's voice. He planned to talk to a dangerous man---Ken. While he's drinking gin, I have learned so much things--- from his grievance to Ken to his concern to Papay Benson. I wanted to tell my grievance to Ken too but I hold myself to keep quiet. He is really a sacrilegious person. The way he reasons out was illogical... Ambitious!

           After lunch, I did an artwork. I used my collection of miniature glasses as model and coffee as paint. It turned out awesome. Awesome!

           I didn't think much my lovely daughter, yet the thought was persistent. I was totally sad today.

           Domestic lizards continuously showed signs... I wish!

           At six, I've written a comedy skit, entitled "Men's Magazine".

           Mama discovered Flory's flirtation. The latter has an unknown bf, and they were talking in the dark place. Flory was guilty when we confront her.

          Tomorrow, I'll sell those nails for my fare to Rancho. "Please, Lord, help me."

February 21, 2006

          I woke up early to gather 'kalakal'. I didn't yet take in breakfast when I started collecting our stocks of metals, tin cans and plastics.

          While waiting for the "mambabakal", I took the time in looking for metals. Thus, I have got 2 or 3 kilos of barb wires down there.

          I started to get mad when I couldn't see even a shadow of the junk cart. It is irksome waiting. And, when you wait or anticipate, the object seems too hard-to-get.

          Past 12, I realized that surprises come when you least expect it. Hanna and Mj arrived. I was happy seeing them approaching.

          Thus, I forget intentionally the anticipation of "mambabakal". I was more excited in cuddling my Baby Marge than selling my gathered scraps.

           Mj showed us Hanna's new dresses and stuffs like booties. The chocolates she brought were good for one eating only, yet we're so thankful that she'd remembered me.

           All of us have been so glad of Hanna's presence. I was so tired and sleepy yet contented.

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