
Saturday, May 17, 2014


           Five o'clock in the morning, Pepe was already awake. He just took a hot coffee and ate two cookies and left to the beach.
           In the beach, he did his usual activity— the picking out of non-biodegradable matters. Then, he faced his boat. He studied how he could repair it. Later, he went into the forest to find materials. When he came back, he had two bamboos.
          Without further ado, he started the repair. He was determined to bring it back it back to its original looks before the accident or humiliation happened.
           In the mansion, Pepe was still asleep, while Fatima was in the kitchen, making sunny-side-ups. She also reinvented the leftover rice into fried rice with green peas, cubed carrots and corns. Then, she fried bacon and ham.
           After cooking, she went to the entertainment room. Gabby was already awake but was still on the sofa. He felt ache on his head.
          "Sir Gab, breakfast is ready." Fatima told him after knocking three times on the door.
          "Okay! I'll be there after a while. Thank you!" Without further ado, he got up and went to the dining. He drank cold water to alleviate the pain in his head. Then, he remembered Pepe. "Pack these foods. Let's bring them to the shore. Pepe, I'm sure has not taken his breakfast yet." He was still holding a jug of cold water and drinking glass.
           "Yes, Sir!" Fatima complied at the command quickly. She was more excited than her employer.
           "I'll be there now. You just follow after you do that. Don't forget your materials in your tutorial with Pepe. Okay?"
           "Okay, Sir" She smiled, as he smiled.
           In the beach, Pepe was busy repairing his rowboat. He's half-naked. His sweat was dripping from his body.
          Ten minutes later, Gabby showed up. He brought the jug and glass. "Morning, Pepe! I think, you need these!"
           Pepe was a bit startled, yet he has managed to smile handsomely. His employer got it right. He really needed to quench his thirst. Then, Gabby handed him down the glass filled with cold water. He signed a language that means 'Thank you'.
          "Welcome!'' Gabby replied. Then, his attention was struck by Pepe's firm frame. He secretly beheld at this for a while as Pepe was gulping the water. He involuntarily gulped his saliva as if he was drinking, too. It was not envy. It was an admiration, he confirmed. And, it should not be.
           He is not gay.
           After returning the glass to Gabby, Pepe wiped his body with his shirt, not knowing he was being seen by Gabby. When he looked at his boss, their eyes met. The latter quickly diverted his sight to the boat and said, "Your boat is almost done! How can I help you?"
           Pepe signed that it's okay. He could do it by himself.
           Gabby could not do anything but behold and anticipate. He has then proved how skillful Pepe is. He could not do what the mute man could. He enjoyed looking at him, aside from the sight of arousing blueness and calmness of the sea.
           Fatima was visible to Gabby's eyes. He also forgot her.
           "Good morning, Pepe! she greeted him, when she came.
           Pepe nodded and smiled.
           "Come, Pepe. Let's take breakfast first.." Gabby said. He then started uncovering the plastic wares of foods.
           After breakfast, Fatima asked Pepe if they could begin their tutorial. He agreed, so she took his time. Gabby left them. He brought home the food containers.
           In the mansion, he washed the used wares first. Then, he went to his room to get his mobile phone. He has nine missed calls from Mang Jack and two from his Dad. He consequently called Mang Jack.
           "Hello, Mang Jack?"
           "Hello, Sir!" I've been calling you since last night."
           "Why? What happened?" He was worried.
           "Nothing, Sir.. Your Dad.."
           "My Dad? What?"
           "He asked me to investigate Pepe."
           "What? For what? He's a good one. No need.." He's a bit angry.
           "Yes, Sir! I also believe that.. But, your Dad wants to make sure.."
            "So, you obeyed him?"
            "Yes, Sir.."
            Disappointed, yet he has managed to be calm. "What have you found out?"
            "I think, your Dad is the rightful one to tell you that, Sir. Besides, he told me not to tell you, Sir.. Please, don't tell him that I told you. I am just concerned of Pepe. He's not what your father thinks of.. Please, Sir.." Mang Jack pleaded.
            "Okay! I'll keep it secret. I will call him now. I will just ask him why he's calling last night. Bye, Mang Jack. Thank you! Rest assured that you will not be reprimanded by my Dad."
           "Thank you, Sir Gab! Bye." He clicked off his cellphone.
            Gabby dialed hid father's digits and waited for him to answer his call. "Hello, Dad!" He made his voice enthusiastic to give him no hint of what he knew about investigation of Pepe's credibility.
            "Hello, Gab! How are you? His father's voice was as usual.
            "I'm very fine, Dad! In fact, I am enjoying the company of Pepe and Fatima.. I'm just sorry for I could not answer your call last night because we're in the entertainment room.."
            "It's okay.. I just wanted to know if you're doing good there. Your Mom missed you so much. She wanted to be there soon.."
           "I missed her too. Please tell him that I'm well. I wanted to visit you there too. So, when Mang Jack comes here, I will go with him, instead."
           "Okay, that's better! Take care, son.."
           "Thanks, Dad! I will.. Nothing to worry about. Bye. Love you, Dad!"
           "Bye! Love you, too, Gab!"
           Gabby sighed. He got no information from his Dad. He suspected that his father is planning for something. He, then called again Mang Jack.
           "Hello. Mang Jack?"
            "Dad did not say something about the investigation. Please tell me now.. What have you found out about Pepe. I wanna know.. Please.."
            "Your Dad trusts me, ever since. But, I trust you, too, Sir. I will just do this for your' sake. You must know this.."
            "Yes, I must. I trust you. So, trust me, too.."
            "Pepe is not mute. He could speak.."
            "What?!" Gabby could not believe it. "That's not true! How did you know?"

           "I have interviewed eight people from his barrio, asking if they knew a mute man. All answered. There's no mute man in our barangay, Sir! That's when I thought, I have to change my question. I instead asked two women if they know a man who looks like Pepe. I described him. And luckily, they knew Pepe. His name is Pepe also known as Philippe. But, according to them, he is not mute. He kept on silent for a long time till he became aloof. He avoided them. He lived the life away from neighbors.."
           "So.. he is just pretending..?" Dismayed, he was.
           "Maybe, Sir.." Mang Jack was sad too. He hated the fact that Pepe was just pretending.
           "If it's true..he ruined our trust. It's a saddening news in this morning.."
            "I'm also saddened by this truth. In fact, I am about to consider him my son, because he's in the age of my lost and never-seen child.."
           Gabby knew about the love story of Mang Jack. He also can forget how many times he cried when related the story of when his pregnant girlfriend left him without reason at all. "I understand you, Mang Jack..but we have to condemn Pepe for this.."
           "Sir..I knew I have no right... but I'm asking you another chance.."
           "What do you mean?"
           "I will re-investigate. Let's find out the reason why he acted like a mute one.."
           "That's an excellent idea, Mang Jack! Okay, do that, now.. I'll wait for your call and tidings! Good luck!
           "Thank you, Sir.." Gabby has heard the gladness in Mang Jack's voice. He, too was happy that he arrived in that idea. At least, they have given Pepe or Philippe a benefit of the doubt.
           Afterwards, he went back to the beach where Pepe and Fatima were. He took a picture of them. It was stolen. Then, he let the two look at the camera and smile.  He also took solo shots. When he showed the photos to Pepe, he was so amazed. It was his first time to view himself in pictures. He was never been photographed before, he told Gabby.
           Pepe nodded.
           Gabby believed him. But, he did not say other word, because his mind was occupied by what Mang Jack has learned about him. He thought Pepe's pictures can be the solution to his search for truth. Then, silently, he sent the pictures to Mang Jack through MMS.
          While the two were in the tutorial, Gabby thought of taking a plunge in the water. Without being noticed, especially by Fatima, he took off his shirt and shorts, leaving his boxer on his body. He was seen by Pepe but the latter did not show any sign of interest of quitting in the tutorial.
           From a distance, Gabby could see how Fatima and Pepe treated each other. She's close to him. She could laugh out loud in front of Pepe, while Pepe showed more teeth in dealing with her. He's jollier whenever Fatima is talking with her.
           That scenario made him jealous. He did not understand himself. Why did he feel that way? He did not like Fatima to fall in love with Pepe. He then went ashore to invite them to swim.
           The three enjoyed the slowly-warming sea water. They swim-race.
           Gabby somehow forgot the negative thought he was into a while ago. Pepe was closer to him now, because he let him and Fatima cover him with sand. He could take a deeper look of Pepe's face and naked chest. He enjoyed the sight. His penis moved up and down, as if it wanted to flee from being buried.
           Fatima went away. She beach-combed. Pepe pursued concealing Gabby's body. He did it suavely. Thus, Gabby was so thankful.
           "Do you enjoy here?" Gabby asked Pepe. He wanted to know, although it was obvious. He just liked to open up a conversation to prolong the act.
           Pepe nodded and smiled.
           "That's great!" He wished he could say that he too enjoyed Pepe's presence and because of his companion, the penile problem he's experiencing was gone.
           Fatima came back. Laughing sweetly at Pepe's artwork. "Wow! Pepe, you made it great! Sir Gab, do you mind if I take a picture of you and the artist?"
           Gabby was secretly glad of Fatima's smartness. "Yeah! Please, get the camera.."
           Fatima hurriedly got the digital single-lens reflex camera and took pictures. She acted like a pro. She asked and directed Pepe of different position.
           "Nice pictures, Sir Gabby and Pepe." She told the two as she was reviewing the photos.
           Then, Gabby had come to an idea. He asked Pepe to help him get up. He then rushed to the water and plunged. Fatima and Pepe's eyes were on him. He got the nice abs, chest and biceps as he ascended.
           "Wait, Sir.."Fatima stopped him from getting into the shore. "I'll take a picture of you." Gabby did not move till the camera flashed.
           "How about Pepe?" Gabby asked, suggesting Fatima to photograph him as well.
           Fatima directed Pepe to wet his whole body for a nice effect. Pepe followed. Gabby was pleasured seeing Pepe's masculinity. He's perfectly curved, Gabby thought. His cock agreed.
           Two flashes were seen.
           "You're so handsome and sexy, Pepe." Fatima exclaimed while she was looking at the outputs.
           "How about you?" Gabby asked Fatima the camera.
           "Wait, Sir.. Last shot. I wanted both of you to pose together."
           Gabby was shocked to her idea. But, the truth was, he liked it. He just did not move and showed interest.
           "Pepe, come beside Sir Gab.." Fatima commanded.
           Pepe innocently followed her demand and smiled. Gabby took the chance. He smiled handsomely as he posed very manly.
           "Great image!" Fatima said and handed down the camera to Gabby.
           Next thing happened was flashes as Gabby took pictures of Fatima and Pepe on the sand. It was like a pictorial. He wished Fatima was not in the scene. He would have more enjoyed the moment.

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