
Wednesday, April 30, 2014


          The mute has been aloof to Gabby. He spent the whole afternoon at the beach, particularly where his cast-away house was built by him located.

           He did not like the idea of tutorial. He did not need it. He only wants a simple, quiet life. If he undergoes private tutorial, it means he will be with other person, aside from Gabby. He hated the presence of people, he does not want to talk. He has a fear of talking.

           If only he was not seen by Gabby, he thought, he would have been living in a serene life.

           Before he decided to go back to the mansion, he visited his wrecked rowboat. He was hopeful to rebuild it. When the going gets tough, it can help him escape from the danger in the island. It can also help him find a deserted island to be his new paradise.

           "Where have you been?" asked Gabby. It sounded worried.

          Pepe was a little surprised. He never seen Gabby slumped on the long couch. Before he could make a hand language, his employer was able to come near to him.

          "I'm worried." He patted Pepe's back. "Are you alright?"

          Pepe nodded. And, he tried to avoid the comfort of Gabby. But he followed him.

          "What's bothering you, Pepe" I can help you."

          He signed language. Gabby interpreted them in his mind. "Don't' think about it. We don't need to earn a living here. You're not obliged to catch fish. But don't worry, we're gonna fix your boat soon. If you're really inclined with fishing, you can do it again. But you are not obliged to do it." He smiled at him. The mute showed to compassionate employer a satisfied nod and smile.

          While Pepe was taking a bath, he was still thinking of the consequences of the tutorial. He hoped it will not be realized.

           The next day, Pepe was nervous. The fact that he's going to face with two new strangers such as the pilot and the tutor, made him so uneasy. Thus, before he was seen by Gabby, he left the house. He went to the woods. He's like a paranoiac. He keeps on looking for hiding place, thinking that somebody's running after him.

          Pepe's heartbeat grew faster as he heard the helicopter approaching the island. If before he is fascinated to the sound of a helicopter, to date, it gives him exaggerated panic and dreadful terror. He is like a little child hiding on the tree.

           "Where's the mute?" asked Gabby's father, as he got off the aircraft.

          Gabby was completely surprised to see his Dad. Mang Jack did not notify him about it. " he's in the beach." He forgot to greet back the teacher. "Dad, why are you here?" He was obviously sad of his father's presence. He knew it might affect Pepe terribly.

          "Aren't you glad to see me?" He's annoyed but he sweetly uttered the words.

          "Sorry, Dad. Come in." He embraced his daddy. And, he greeted Mang Jack and the woman, "I'm glad you came, Miss..?"

          "Miss Fatima Cortez", the tutor timidly answered.

           "OK. I'll talk to you later. Come in. Mang Jack, did you buy the stuffs?"

          "Yes, Sir! I'll unload them now."

          In the woods, Pepe was in a great confusion. He did not want to show up to the tutor. He would rather meet the pilot than to see the teacher. He did not like to learn to talk, if it will only lead to disappointment or any problem. He still believed that people are innately malevolent. If possible, he wanted to live alone. Education is no longer applicable for a person like him.

           In the mansion, Gabby was also in agitation. He, for the first time, was upset for his Dad's presence. His father was giving him excessive tension, he could not explain. He did not like him to know that he hired someone they don't know the background and yet he was giving favors. How can he tell him the purpose of all of those? But, since it was not kept secret to him, he was willing to introduce Pepe to him and he will try to explicate Pepe's condition. He still believed that his dad will understand him, because he is a man with good heart. Hence, he decided to look for the mute friend in the beach.

           "Dad, I will look for Pepe in the beach, so I can introduce him to you." said Gabby to his Dad, who was indulging himself in sight-seeing through a binocular.

           Without looking at him, his father said, "Alright, Gab! I'm excited to meet him."

           Gabby's unpleasant feeling became agreeable upon hearing the word 'excited'. It means that his father is not mad of his decision to adopt a total strange person, without going through a background check. It only means that he is indeed a supportive one and his presence is not to intimidate or interrogate Pepe, but to make sure that everything is okay and will be for good.

           "Thank you, Dad!" he gladly said before he turned around and quickly left his father.

           In the living area, Miss Cortez was there, browsing a magazine. "Miss Cortez, I have to look for your tutee. He's in the beach for sure."

           "Yes, Sir." the tutor replied. She then gave him a smile.

           Gabby went out the mansion and found Mang Jack outside, who was unloading boxes and other stuffs.

            "Mang Jack, you never texted me.." Gabby was a bit reprimanding, but he managed to show his smile.

            "I'm sorry, Sir." He's apologetic.

            "It's okay." He smiled again. "Wait, I have to be hurry. See you later.." He then trotted through the beach. He did not know why he has to be in hurry. All he knew was that he's so excited to see Pepe learning.

            He made it so quickly. He could see Pepe's makeshift dwellings. "Pepe! Pepe!" he shouted, looking around. He then repeated it many times while changing his point of direction. He failed.

            Pepe could hear the call of Gabby. He instead went farther the woods, without thinking the danger. No, I'd rather be forever dumb than to learn how to speak, because it will only harm me, he thought.

            Gabby moved to the forest. He pursued calling out Pepe's name.

            Pepe decided to show up. He already believed Gabby's kindness. His offer is for goodness' sake. There are only few good people on earth and Gabby is one of them, he declared it to himself.

            He moved forward. His willingness to learn conquered his fear.

           Couple of minutes later, Pepe and Gabby met halfway. The mute defensively hand signalled to Gabby that he's looking for a tree, which is good for rowboat paddle.

           Gabby was not interested to his signals. He instead explicated to Pepe about his presence. His father wanted to meet him before he leaves the island.

          "Dad, he's Pepe." Gabby enthusiastically introduced his friend to his father. "Pepe, meet my Dad."
          Pepe was so timid. He did not know what to do. He was seeking help from Gabby by looking at his eyes. However, Gabby's Dad was so quick. He felt the uneasiness of the mute man. So, he shook hands with Pepe.

            "Nice meeting you, Pepe! Welcome to our family!" Gabby's father said. It somehow reduced the tense being felt by Pepe. "Gab told me that you're a victim of mischievous fishermen." Pepe nodded. "Don't worry. Our island will protect you from them. Just don't be shy. I all the way support Gabby's plans and decisions for you. I just hope you are trustworthy. Are you?"

           Pepe nodded again, but this time, he smiled a bit. His handsomeness showed up.

           "Oh, that's good, son!"

           Pepe abruptly looked at the good man's eyes as he called him 'son'. It was a music to his ears. No one called him son, except his mother. It almost made him cry for joy. He realized that Gabby and his father are indeed good persons.

           "Good luck to your tutorial. She's your teacher." pointing to Miss Fatima Cortez.

           Miss Cortez stood up. "Hello, Pepe! I'm glad to be your private tutor." Then, she smiled romantically, as if she knew Pepe for a long time.

            Pepe smiled back. His eyes glimmered.

           "Good luck to both of you, Miss Fatima and Pepe. Enjoy every day of your tutorial." The benevolent man said.

           Pepe's heart was filled of joy and gratitude. He never thought it would happen to him.

           "Thank you, Sir!" Fatima uttered.

           "Okay!" He then looked at Gabby. "Gab, enjoy your stay here with your new friends. Just call us if ever you need something."

           "Yes, Dad! Thank you for your support!" He thankfully embraced his father, who later patted his shoulder.

             "Good bye to all of you! We have to go." He looked around. "Where's Mang Jack?"

             "He's in the generator room, Dad!' He's so quick. "I'll call him.."

             Couple of minutes later, Mang Jack and Pepe were being introduced to each other by Gabby. Pepe had seen Mang Jack before, but it's his first time to meet him formally.

             "How are you, Pepe?" a fatherly voice came out from Mang Jack's mouth. He's not expecting for a verbal reply. He just wanted a sign from Pepe, which the latter did. "That's great, son! Enjoy! Someday, you'll have a good life. Gabby and Sir are good people. You're so lucky to be part of them." He patted Pepe's shoulder and smiled before he went outside to start the chopper.

             Pepe, Gabby and Miss Cortez followed to see the flight of the helicopter. No one spoke. Gabby waved his hand since his Dad was doing the same. 
                       When the chopper was totally invisible to their eyes, they came back to the living room. Gabby and Pepe were sitting in a long black leather sofa in front of Miss Fatima.

           Gabby opened the conversation. "I'm so glad that Daddy, although came without my knowledge, he accepted and supported this. Pepe, now that you're part of the family, I want you to feel at home. Take the teaching of Miss Fatima. It is all for you. No one will underestimate you if you are educated." Pepe was listening intently. He believed Gabby has a pure heart. "Miss Fatima.."
                      "Yes, Sir!" Fatima respond quickly. She leaned forward and looked at Gabby's eyes.

            "You are hired by Mang Jack. I trust him, thus I also trust you.."

            "Thank you, Sir!"

             "Your task is to educate Pepe. Teach him the basics. He also needs personality development, so you are obliged to improve it. Is that clear?"

              Miss Cortez just nodded, smiling.

              "Are you related to Mang Jack?"

              "Yes! He’s my uncle." She feared that it would not be okay.
               "Well, that's great! Mang Jack never told me before that he has beautiful niece, who happens to be an education graduate."

               "Thanks, Sir!" she's relieved.

               "You're 21 years old, according to your resume.. Okay! You can start today!" declared Gabby. "Later this day, we will talk about your monthly wage and benefits. Your contract is based on your tutees' learning. Do you have any question?" Fatima shook her head. "Okay! I will leave you two here. Have fun!" Before he left, he patted Pepe's shoulder and shook hands with the tutor. 

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